Athleticism Keeps you a (Crucial) Step Ahead of the Game

I'm the monkey in the middle doing a headstand - I was very athletic when I was diagnosed with cancer at age 13.

I’m the monkey in the middle doing a headstand – I was very athletic when I was diagnosed with cancer at age 13.

 “The reason your body survived all of the cancer treatment is because you were so athletic when you were diagnosed,” a doctor informed me.

It’s a very good thing I was strong and athletic when I was diagnosed with leukemia in 1997, because my body could withstand the onslaught of intense toxic drugs. Activities and sports that kept me on my feet were basketball, soccer, swimming, rollerblading, running, riding my bike, and obviously “artistic headstands” like in this picture.

Nowadays, I regularly lift small weights and ride my recumbent exercise bike. I love to pedal for twenty-five minutes to the sounds of a favorite CD. It pays to stay ACTIVE!